
Welcome to the blog. All the opinion on this blog is my own or as attributed. Thank you for reading - I hope you enjoy.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Bringing the Assembly Campaign to the People

We began to take the Assembly campaign to the people today at Lemon Quay, Truro.

The rain stopped, the sun shone and the ink flowed.

Some things that really pleased me:

1. I got to meet and listen to the concerns of the people in the Truro and Falmouth constituency. There is a clear groundswell of opinion that Cornwall gets a raw deal from Westminster and that the London based parties are all much of a muchness.

2. People responded to the publicity that our social media team had given the event today. I spoke to people from all over Cornwall - some had mad a special trip to show their support for our campaign and I would like to thank those people especially. It makes our hard work worthwhile when we know that people are listening to our meassage and responding positively.

3. It was great to meet lots of new MK activists. This is particularly encouraging. When you read and see how memebership of Westminster political parties is declining it is wonderful to see MK membership blossoming - we must be doing something right. The icing on the cake is the number of young people that are taking up the MK cause.

The roadshow will be coming to a town near you - why not pop along and meet us when it does?

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